Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jayden :)

As I mentioned last week, my family got a new edition.  We welcomed a siberian husky into our small family, and being a quite large dog, he certainly does look out of place.  I am able to go home for the night so this afternoon my mom is coming to pick me up and I am SO excited :)

I'm pretty close to my family and have not seen them in so long, things have just been crazy this semester and I feel like I've had a commitment every weekend so I have been unable to get home and see them as much as I would have liked.  I guess that's part of growing up though - right? Anyway. I get to go see them tonight and am EXCITED. I want to meet my new dog, and I want my mom and I to start planning our tour around Germany and Austria - have I mentioned I'm going to Europe with my Mom at the start of the summer?! Well I am and I am SO EXCITED!!!!

For February being such a terrible month, March has really pulled through and I am currently loving life. 

- miner moments.


Welcome Back!! Although I really did enjoy having class in my dorm room, it was fun to be back in the classroom.  I was sad at first, but it really is benifical to be there and learning from you verses me teaching myself in my dorm.  Reading other peoples rough drafts today was a HUGE wake up call as I have seen how I am so not prepared to turn this paper in - I mean lets be honest. It's nothing I didn't know, I just didn't realize it to this extent.  Reading other peoples work really helped to give me ideas though on different angels I can write about in my paper.  Although I really didn't want to come to class, it was so very benificial :)

On top of learning so much in class, we also got the dead line EXTENDED! Yes, you read that right.  It is truely wonderful news, however to hopefully save myself, I am still thinking the paper is due friday so I don't procrastinate all weekend and am going crazy sunday allday trying to write a paper. 
Wish me luck. I so very need it.

- miner moments.


For today's online session we were in charge of giving input about an abstract part of a paper.  What is an abstract part of a paper? Good question. You and I are both completely lost now.

As part of the final research paper we must turn in an abstract paper along with a title page, and the paper.  I however, have never heard of an abstract page so am thoroughly lost.  I know the abstract page is supposed to give the reader exactly what the paper is going to be about - so like a summary right? no. The abstract must be what the paper will cover, without covering it, and without coming across as a summary.  The following is I believe some very helpful guidelines in writing a first abstract. 

1. THESIS!!!! This starts the abstract off and details HOW this topic will be discussed, not just what the
topic is, and states the quantity of categories that will be discussed.
2. States what the first category types is.
3. Defines this category – leaves specifics and examples for the actual body of the paper to reveal.
4. States what the second category types is.
5. Defines this category – leaves specifics and examples for the actual body of the paper to reveal.
6. States what the third category types is.
7. Defines this category – leaves specifics and examples for the actual body of the paper to reveal.
8. States what the last category types is.
9. Defines this category – leaves specifics and examples for the actual body of the paper to reveal.

I completely understand in how this would help while writing a research paper about something scientific, however I wrote mine on the history of something.  It leaves me with a challenge and hope that I make the connections well enough to write a great paper and abstract!!

- miner moments.

the best is yet to come

I am so unbelievably excited for this weekend. 

Friday night I am traveling to Dearborn, MI for my fraternity's formal night.  I feel like it's homecoming in high school all over again - which make me excited.  It was always so fun playing dress up and seeing everyone all dressed up as well :)
Saturday my besties are coming up to MSU to see me!! My friend plays on the club volleyball team at Central Michigan and will be here for the volleyball tournament! This also just so happened to be the time of my other friends spring break, so what better than come up at the same time right?!  I am so unbelievably excited to see them both as I miss them dearly. 

Oh! and have I mentioned my family got a dog?! totally random as we were ALWAYS the family who was "never going to get a dog".  I guess things have changed at the house since I've been gone - still trying to find a time when I can go home to see and meet this new member!

- miner moments.

"Plus - 1"

Google recently introduced a new technology on their search engines.  With the major hit of social sites like Facebook and Twitter, and things becoming so social, google has decided to go social as well.  When typing into the search engine, google originally would bring up the computers results of what it found was most compatible with what the user was searching with and what they typed in.  Now, google "plus 1" will not only give the user the computers results, but also human responses as to which site was the most helpful.
Google hopes to one day have "friends" and be able to "share" responses on the site based off of what people have searched. 
I have not used the new technology but am interested in how it will work.  I think it could be very useful once it is understood by everyone because I for one and sick of sites being brought up that are not help to me while I am searching. 
Simply put, ttechnology is something that continues to amaze me.

- miner moments.

here is the link to learn more :

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Paint me a Picture.

For our online session, we were in charge of giving a visual as to what we would write.  I have never - before this class - had to do visuals related to what I was going to write about, but have really enjoyed it.  It not only gives me a reassurance of what I am writing, but also gives my reader (the professor) a little sneak peak as to what to expect.  It's awesome.  When beginning my research project I did not expect to find near as many things about the school bombing in Bath, Michigan than I have.  Also, HUGE eye opener, but who know Bath, Michigan was about 5-10 miles north of Lansing? Sad but true.
While putting all of the visuals together for my slide show I realized how big of a deal this school bombing was.  I also really started to question why people are no longer aware of this.  Three explosions went off the morning of May 18, 1927 and 45 people - mostly children - were killed.  The statistics are crazy, but the pictures are what hit home.  After seeing the school before the bombing and then after, it is a slight bit impressive only that number died - although over 50 were left severally injured.  Also, the photos of Kehoe's home, all that was left was the chimney, really just jaw dropping photos, and to think it happened so long ago.
This school crisis happened before the time of cell phones, and instant communication.  To be there at that time had to be unreal.  Not knowing what was going on at all times - like we so much do today.  Although at times it may be annoying having everyone on their phones at ALL times, I am thankful for the instant communication abilities for things like communicating with people far away. :)

- miner moments.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Water for Elephants

Spring break is by far over, however I could not completely accept it finished until I finished the book I started over break.  Laying by the pool/on the beach and reading a great book is by far one of my favorite things to do when looking for relaxation.  Over spring break I did just that :)  I continued to read a book from a murder series I absolutely love by James Patterson.  The book was amazing and I had serious issues putting it down.  I don't think my grandparents knew that about me, and in a way I became less social because was always reading :S
After finishing that book in about 2 days, I started to read Water for Elephants.  I was at first drawn to the book because I had seen a commercial for the movie coming out soon and got really excited because it looked good.  The book was really different than the books that I usually read - the ones with the big murder scene and at times leaves me scared - it was quite the opposite.  It was a slow start and was something that was tough to focus on.  About half way through the book I got drawn in and was stuck on reading it.  Unfortunately, it was the end of the week, and time to come back for class.
I got back and couldn't focus.  I spent a few late nights, and finished the book :) I love love loved it! I am so super excited for the movie to come out! I would most definitely recommend this book to friends and you!

- miner moments.  

it's new although i'm certain i've heard it before.

To capitalize on what was said earlier this week, citations were again reviewed as a part of our "in class" but not really portion.  The "key pieces"  - author, date of publication, page/paragraph number - were again mentioned as an important thing to remember.  I also learned about the in-text citation which is so easy to mix up.  Generally an in-text citation would appear (last name(s), year of publication).  The page/paragraph number will only be used when using direct quotes or data/statistics.
I also learned about the rule while placing an entire paragraph into a paper.  When doing so, the entire paragraph should be indented. 
As part of our homework for the week, we were in charge of reading the different paragraphs and listing which citation was incorrect.  After beginning my own work, I started to realize and catch on to the rules and little things that were otherwise looked past.  How ironic right? Hopefully that grade will be okay as I now understand the work much better!

- miner moments.


Although I feel like I have blogged about this, for me to continue to think and talk about it helps the most.  Citations are something I really struggle with and love that we are continuing to learn about them every week.  This week is we focused on what and where citations could be found.  Places like indexes, books, journals, and websites are great places to find useful information.  So long as the website is not wikipedia - although a great place to BEGIN research and get a general idea of the topic - it is not reliable and not acceptable.  Things to look for and what most citations contain are the author, title, place of publication, publisher, and the date of the publication - I like to think of them as the "key parts" of the citation.
I was also again reminded of the importance of plagiarism, and how to avoid it.  I must provide citations when summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting an article but do NOT need to provide citations when listing common knowledge.  What is common knowledge? good question and to be honest, i still don't know.  They said it was "information published in many places and known by many people".  That to me is still arguable.  It is completely off of the situation I feel as well as the audience.  People have such different interests that something I many know so much about and feel is "common knowledge," is unknown by someone else and I would therefore not have cited the correct source and been accused of plagiarism.   There is a fine line between the 2, and I have yet to learn it.

- miner moments.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Where Dreams Come True :)

I am officially in Florida writing this blog! I flew by myself, which was surprisingly relaxing and something I was totally comfortable with.  Today we were supposed to go to Disney's Magic Kingdom, but after waking up to a complete storm, thing quickly changed.  Today became a day for homework, and tomorrow will be the day to go see my man Mickey Mouse.  I am very excited to say the least.
I am staying with my Grandparents all week which has been really fun.  I got to tour around on monday and see a project they were working on for about 3-4 winters a few winters ago, so that was really neat to finally understand what their stories meant.  Other than that I have been spending my time in the sun which was a much needed thing.  I have however gotten a VERY uneven tan.  One of my favorite things to do on  vacation is just relax with a really good book out in the sun.  I did just that and ended up with the strangest lines ever.  Literally half of my neck is beat red - as it seems I forgot I had a neck and did not lotion the half that was so exposed to the sun with the way I was laying.  Also, it would appear I forgot I had hands and feet.  I now feel like I have small paws because both my feet and hands are beat red and burnt to a little crisp.  Oh well, it brought a good laugh and learning lesson - although I'm sure it will happen again at some point in my life.
Tomorrow is Disney and then I intend to spend the rest of the weekend at the pool and hope to finish my 2nd book, because when I get back to EL, reality will quickly slap me in the face and I will no longer have time for enjoyable reading.

- miner moments.


Please do not take this the wrong way, but getting out of class so early today was one of the highlights of my week.  I should really learn to make time before class to eat lunch, that way I can focus better during class.

Anyway.  Class today completely caught me off guard. For starters, I am from the Grand Rapids area and have an aunt that works in a court system there - I wonder if you're working with or near her with this case!   Also, kind of scares me, because I am aware of a murder that recently took place and this just capitalizes on the phrase "small world".  Hope all is going well with the jury duty and if you're in the area and looking for some good mexican food, I would really recommend Little Mexico - it's awesome!
The work for class today seemed simple enough, but not completely meeting for class in a way worries me.  In high school, research papers are what I struggled most with.  I am really hoping that I am able to learn and write a quality paper this semester and fully intend to use my - new learned - resources in doing so.
Some of my initial worries are that although I am so interested in the topic (school bombing, Bath, MI) because it is so old, it will be very hard for me to find articles, especially popular, for the research and I really hope I will not have to change topics.

- miner moments.

how far is too far?

In excitement for spring break, it seems I begin to hear more and more about this "full-body scanner".  It is somewhat new, however people are not catching on like they had hoped.  The scanner is aimed to make security in airports not only faster, but also more safe.  By simply going through the scanner however, security is able to see a persons body - entirely. "Entirely" is the key word and is where people become so uncomfortable with the security check.
If a person is so uncomfortable with it, they are able to opt out of the check and have a good old-fashioned "pat-down".  However, in hopes to raise the amount of people willing to go through the scanner, the "pat-down" is becoming a lot more physical and uncomfortable for people to go through as security is getting a lot more hands on.
In my opinion, although I am not comfortable with people seeing my body like that, I am willing to go a little extra to ensure safety.  With this new technology, I hope people begin to see that so many people travel on a plane, and in the long run, safety far outweighs any slight uncomfortableness that will shortly be forgotten.

- miner moments.