Thursday, January 20, 2011

The heavy load.

I am overwhelmed to say the least. I went to catch a bus for class and two - yes that's correct - left full and cut me off. Both of which I was in the front of the line and people just pushed there way by.  I shoved my way onto the third bus like no other. 
I get to class right on time, but already my mind is in a million places because of the bus incident.  We begin talking about everything due, and I had completely missed about having my Cover Letter rough draft ready.  I'm the person who gets really stressed out about these things, so although we were not doing anything with them in class, I am silently freaking out and again, it's only been like 3 minutes.  Luckily we really didn't do anything with the cover letters, we simply went over how to write stronger ones, so that relaxed me a small amount, but still, it's not comforting sitting in class knowing it's the 2nd week and already you're behind. 

- miner moments.

1 comment:

  1. This time of year is bad for catching the bus unless you leave unbelievably early.
