"The Zooming Presentation Editor"
I have heard about this all semester as an option to create something with but never actually seen one. They are AWESOME. I am now considering learning to do this and using it for my final as it appears to be something easy to navigate and a place where you can include visual as well as graphics. While we were looking at each others re/mixed projects, one that I looked at was a Prezi, and I was blown away. How much fun!! This gave me a little hope about my final/ portfolio so I will now see what happens with my brainstorming.
Also on my mind is the re-write option. As my research was well under what I would have liked, it was to be expected. I really did not enjoy that project as my grade reflects it. I find research papers very difficult because I quickly become far overwhelmed by them. I was very interested in the topic and believe that I am now very well educated on it, however I could not for the life of me put my thoughts onto paper and come out with a strong paper. Writing it was difficult for me, and that was before I even tried to start the APA correct citations. Beginning the research to this paper, I knew absolutely nothing, so is it then correct to cite everything as everything I learned ultimately came from somewhere? Yes, I am still lost and confused with research papers, I don't see them as something that will ever be my "cup of tea".
So hard to believe that we have one class left as well! This has been the quickest second semester ever. Love College :)
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