Wednesday, April 13, 2011


For the online session we were in charge of taking a previous journal entry and in charge of recreating it into something pleaseing to the eye.  Did I accomplish that?? I'm honestly not sure.  I did not completely understand the assignment so I think I did a good job, but will have to wait and see on my grade! I chose to recreate the entry "the best is yet to come" and feel like it was a great choice to do so.  I was able to incorporate pictures of all the things included in my journal entry as each of them took place after making the journal entry.  It brought back fun memories and made me SO excited for this summer :)
I used elements from the C.R.A.P guide to not only give the journal a visual, but also (hopefully) allow the entry, title and pictures to contrast correctly.  Overall, I was pleased with my assignment and had fun doing it.  It was such a nice reliever from the other homework I am very tired of doing. 

Hope you enjoyed :)

- miner moments.

1 comment:

  1. This online session was more of a practice run to help you feel more confident about doing the fourth project. So I think you did fantastic with that!
